Chris Hendrixson
Chris Hendrixson

I’m a designer with 16 years of experience. I’ve built digital products from scratch, helped start some companies, branded a bunch more, and worked for years as a print designer, which is where it all began.

I started my career in 2006 at Relevant Media Group in Orlando where I laid out magazines and book covers. After years in the print world, including a stint with Hyperquake, a branding agency in Cincinnati, I became enamored with interactive design. I wanted to make iPhone apps. So I did just that.

In 2012, I worked with an engineer to build my first mobile app. Inspired by handwritten lineup cards used in Major League Baseball, I made Cincy Lineup, a simple app that showed the Cincinnati Reds starting lineup for each game. Cincy Lineup gained a following and prompted the founding of a product studio called Blue Seat Media.

Together with my friend and co-founder, Jeffrey Wyckoff, we raised some money, put together a small team, and built a couple more baseball-themed apps that were loved by fans. We put everything we had into Blue Seat but in 2015 we ran out of gas and had to shut down operations.

Taking everything I’d learned about building things from the ground up, I joined a burgeoning data tech startup called Astronomer as the Head of Design. While there I helped build a brand and a culture of design. Today, Astronomer is a billion dollar company.

Most recently, I was on the ground floor of an education startup called Folio, where I worked as Creative Director, leading a team of three designers as we built high quality educational resources for K–5 students and educators and a simple platform to access them.

Today, I’m excited about new opportunities to build products and teams. I believe that good design can change things and I’m committed to building better experiences for as many people as possible in the world.

Connect with Chris Hendrixson